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Manual review or adjustment of the material

Guidelines for authors

Rules for the Review of Manuscripts

Reviewing of articles is carried out by members of the editorial board as well as invited reviewers - leading experts in the relevant field of medicine in Russia and other countries. The decision on the choice of a reviewer for the examination of the article is made by the editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief, scientific editor, editorial director. The review period is 4 weeks, but at the request of the reviewer it can be extended.

Each reviewer has the right to refuse to review if there is a clear conflict of interest, reflecting on the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials. Based on the results of the review of the manuscript, the reviewer gives recommendations on the future of the article (each decision of the reviewer is justified):

If the review contains recommendations for correcting and finalizing the article, the editorial board of the journal sends the author a text of the review with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article, or to argue them (partially or completely) with arguments. The finalization of the article should not take more than 2 months from the moment of sending an electronic message to the authors about the need to make changes. The article refined by the author is sent again for review.

In the event of the authors' refusal to modify the materials, they must, in writing or verbally, notify the editorial office of their refusal to publish the article. If the authors do not return the revised version after 3 months from the date of sending the review, even if there is no information from the authors refusing to modify the article, the editorial board removes it from the register. In such situations, the authors are notified of the removal of the manuscript from the registration in connection with the expiration of the time allotted for revision.

If the author and reviewers have unresolved contradictions regarding the manuscript, the editorial board is entitled to send the manuscript for additional review. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief at a meeting of the editorial board.

The decision to refuse publication of the manuscript is taken at a meeting of the editorial board in accordance with the recommendations of reviewers. An article not recommended by a decision of the editorial board for publication is not accepted for reconsideration. The notice of refusal of publication is sent to the author by e-mail.

After the editorial board accepts the decision to admit the article for publication, the editorial office informs the author about it and specifies the terms of publication.

The presence of a positive review is not a sufficient basis for the publication of the article. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief.

The original of the reviews is kept in the editorial office of the journal for 3 years.

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Mekhman N. Mamedov


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